Paggena:'A vongola (1892).djvu/7

Chesta paggena è stata leggiuta.

svolta = {  }

sVarUp = { <<  \relative c''' { 
  \stemDown b4. cis4 d8 e4 d8 cis4 b8 cis4. a8 r r
  cis4. gis a4 a8 b4 cis8 d4 cis8 b4 a8 cis4. b8 r r
  d4. ais b4 b8 cis4 d8 e4 d8 cis4 b8 a4 r8 
  a4\ff b8 c b8 a4 g \stemNeutral f4 e8 d4 c8 b4 r8
 \relative c'' {
  \stemDown b4. cis4 d8 e4 d8 cis4 b8 cis4. a8 r r
  cis4. gis a4 a8 b4 cis8 d4 cis8 b4 a8 cis4. b8 r r
  d4. ais b4 b8 cis4 d8 e4 d8 cis4 b8 a4 r8 
  a4\ff b8 c b8 a4 g \stemNeutral f4 e8 d4 c8 b4 r8
\relative c' { 
  \stemDown <e gis b e>4_\markup{\italic "deciso"} r8 <a c e a>4 r8
  \ottava #1 e''[ fis gis] } }

lyricsI = \lyricmode { -- ri stu mu -- rì p’’a pas -- si -- o -- ne quan -- ne ma -- je quan -- ne
ma -- je uno ca -- zo -- ne t’è_a -- va -- sta -- to t’è_a -- va -- sta -- to Ca -- ru -- lì.
Ches -- ta  è_na }

svoltaIII = {  }

sVarLow = { \relative c' {
  \repeat unfold 2 { gis8[ r <d' e>] e,[ r <d' e>] }
  \repeat unfold 4 { a8[ r <cis e>] e,[ r <cis' e>] }
  \repeat unfold 4 { gis[ r <d' e>] e,[ r <d' e>] }
  \break <a cis e>4 r8
  <a a,>4 <b b,>8 <c c,>4 <b b,>8 <a a,>4 \once\stemDown <g g,>8 <f f,>4
  \stemUp <e e,>8 <d d,>4 <c c,>8 <b b,>4 r8 <e e,>4 r8 <a, a,>4 r8 r4 r8
} }

lyricsII = \lyricmode { sei cin -- co’o sei fo -- ra quar -- tie -- re, po di -- ci -- ve po di -- ci -- ve ca’o pen -- zie -- re ste -- va sem -- pe ste -- va sem -- pe ncuol -- l’a
ma!   Ches -- ta  è_na }

lyricsIII = \lyricmode { fa tuor -- ne_a fa San -- ta Nchia -- stel -- la! be -- ne mi -- o be -- ne
mio pe sta ze -- tel -- la n’om -- mo buo -- no n’om -- mo buo -- no nun ce
sta?!   Ches -- ta  è_na }

smelody = { \relative c'' {
  \autoBeamOff  \stemDown  
  b4. cis4 d8 e4 d8 cis4 b8 cis4. a8 r r
  cis4. gis a4 a8 b4 cis8 d4 cis8 b4 a8 cis4. b8 r r
  d4. ais b4 b8 cis4 d8 e4 d8 cis4 b8 a4 r8 r4 r8
  r1*6/8 r r r4 r8 \stemNeutral e fis! gis! \bar "||"
} }

\paper { #(set-paper-size "a4")
 oddHeaderMarkup = "" evenHeaderMarkup = "" }
\header { tagline = ##f }
\version "2.18.2"
\score {
\midi {  }
\layout { line-width = #140
\context {
    \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" 
  \context {
    \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves 
    \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
    \new Staff 
       \new Voice =  "melodia"
         \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 132
         \time 6/8 
         \key a \major \smelody \key c \major s4
    \new Lyrics {
        \lyricsto melodia { 
    \new Lyrics {
        \lyricsto melodia { 
    \new Lyrics {
        \lyricsto melodia { 
  \new PianoStaff
       \new Staff = "upper" { \clef violin \time 6/8 
             \key a \major \sVarUp \key c \major s4 }
      \new Staff = "lower" { \clef bass \time 6/8 
              \key a \major \sVarLow \key c \major s4}
  \midi { } }